What is it?
A feeling of tension and edginess, an overwhelming attack of panic.
Symptoms: Tiredness, Nervousness, irritability, nausea, vomiting, frequent passing of urine and diarrhea, dizziness, trembling, shaking, inability to concentrate, insomnia
Causes: Stress is the most common cause, new and unfamiliar situations and experiences
Treatment in the home: Attempt to identify the cause, discuss the problem and try to resolve it, regular exercise, learn to relax and breathe
Possible complications: If left untreated, depression or a stress related disorder may develop
When to consult a doctor: If it becomes server and you cannot cope with everyday life, physical symptoms appear
What the doctor may do: Prescribe medication to sort out physical symptoms, perhaps prescribe tranquilisers to calm your anxiety or recommend a psychologist to overcome the problem.