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Childbirth education can save lives

Childbirth education can save lives Of the million plus women who become pregnant in South Africa each year, those who receive antenatal care and quality childbirth education are the most likley to experience a healthy pregnancy and birth. Whilst the number of pregnant women accessing medical care has risen dramatically in recent years, less than half seek antenatal care before 20 weeks of pregnancy and a large percentage only first see a doctor or midwife when they go into labour. An even smaller number – about 5% - attend private antenatal classes.“Knowledge IS the key to a safe, successful pregnancy,

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SUNBURN Causes Over exposure to the rays of the sun. People who have fair skins are much likely to get sun burnt. Photosynthesis due to certain medication and drugs. WHAT TO DO  Avoid further exposure to the sun. Apply sunscreens and sun blocks. Avoid being outdoors between 12h00 and 14h00. WHEN TO CALL A DOCTOR If the sunburn is very severe and distressing  If there is a headache, nausea and fever. {module go to

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CHOCKING Obstruction of an airway by an object e.g. a toy or a piece of food is an emergency. WHAT TO DO If a conscious person cannot speak, cough or breathe:   Stand behind him and give several thumps with the hill of your hand between the shoulder blades. If this does not help, wrap your arms around the person’s waist just below the ribs. Make a fist with one hand and grasp it with the other hand. Press into the abdomen below the breastbone with a quick and forceful thrust

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CONCUSSION Concussion results from a disturbance of the functioning of the brain following a knock on the head or jaw. Signs  Unconsciousness, sometimes only momentarily Pallor Cold clammy skin Shallow breathing Weak, but rapid pulse Nausea and vomiting Short-term memory loss There may be a delayed reaction, and symptoms may only appear later-usually within 24 hours. WHAT TO DO Urgent medical attention is needed. To avoid headaches which follow concussion, bed rest often for several days, is necessary.

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CONVULSIONS Sings Falling Drooling or frothing Stiffening, jerking or twitching Noisy respirations Loss of bowel or bladder control WHAT TO DO  Turn the patient on his side so that the tongue comes forward and the airway is clear. Do not attempt to restrain limb movements. Ensure that the patient do not hurt himself by protecting hi from environmental injury. When the convulsions cease, place the patient in a recovery position Stay with the patient until you are sure the recovery is complete.

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EYE INJURY FOREIGN BODY IN THE EYE WHAT TO DO  If the object is on the eye or is sharp, do not try to remove it. Cover it and see a doctor. If the object is loose under the lid, pull down the lid and, if you can see the object, try to remove it with the moistened corner of a soft handkerchief. If the object is under the upper lid, look down and then pull the upper lid down over the lower lid to remove the object. If the pain

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FAINTING Fainting is a brief loss of consciousness and is caused by a temporary reduction in the flow of blood to the brain .Recovery is usually rapid and complete. WHAT TO DO If someone fells unsteady, sit hi down with his head between his knees. Loosen any tight clothing. Make sure that there is plenty of fresh air. Should the person actually faint, lay him down and raise his legs. Recovery should be quick, but normal activity should only be resumed after a few minutes rest.

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FRACTURES AND DISLOCATIONS Without an X-ray it is not always possible to tell if a bone is broken. If in doubt, treat the injury as a fracture.  ARM INJURY SHOULDER, COLLAR BONE OR ELBOW INJURY LEG INJURY   Signs The patient cannot move or put weight on the injured part. The injured part is misshapen, swollen or very painful. WHAT TO DO Immobilising a broken bone A Splint is used to immobilize a joint in order to reduce pain and minimize further damage. In an

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HEATSTROKE Lengthy exposure to very hot conditions can cause heat stroke.   Symptoms    Dizziness Restlessness and confusion Hot, dry skin Strong, rapid pulse Raised temperature of up to 41 degrees Celsius Unconsciousness may result   WHAT TO DO  Remove clothing. Sponge patient with cool water or wrap him in a cold, wet sheet. Fan the patient-use an electric fan or a stiff board. When the patient feels cooler to the touch, cover with a dry sheet. If body temperature start to rise, repeat the cooling process. Give

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SHOCK ELECTRIC SHOCK Electric shock varies in intensity and may cause serious injuries which may be fatal. Breathing and heartbeat mat stop and severe burns may occur where electricity enters and leaves the body. WHAT TO DO  Switch off the current {preferably at the mains} before touching the patient. Check the breathing. If breathing has stopped, start mouth-to-mouth respiration at once. If the person starts breathing again, but still unconscious, place in the recovery position. Treat any visible burns. TRAUMATIC SHOCK Shock is a life

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