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Pregnancy can cause itchy skin

When you are pregnant your body goes through many changes and you will feel discomfort in ways you did not think existed. Being itchy on your growing belly, your breasts and so on is just one of the symptoms of your pregnancy. This can increase for the duration of your pregnancy, giving you fantasies of sand paper, a brush, etc. The good news is that the itch will stop once your baby is born. There are a few reasons for this itch, your body is getting ready to carry your baby and your skin is stretching on an ongoing basis. Lets

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CROUPWhat is it?Croup is a respiratory condition characterised by a barking seal-like cough and laboured breathing.Symptoms: Croup attacks usually occur at night. The child wakes with a sudden loud crowing noise which becomes louder when he inhales. The child is alarmed and bewildered, fever.Causes: Usually due to swelling of the lining of the air passages. Occurs soon after the onset of an upper respiratory tract infection.Treatment in the home: Croup can be treated at home if it is mild, be calm and reassure your child. The condition worsens if the child

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HEADACHEWhat is it?Headache includes pain on one or both sides of the head or forehead.Symptoms: May vary from a dull ache to a sharp stabbing pain. Usually left in the forehead, back of the head and/or neck. Sometimes the pain seems to encircle the head like a tight band.Causes: Fatigue, Irregular meals, Emotional stress, Noisy or stuffy work environment, Cold or flue, Hangover, Sinusitis, head injury. Treatment in the home: Take a mild painkiller such as aspirin or paracetamol in the recommended doses. Avoid or come to terms with stresses that

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PNEUMONIAWhat is it?Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs.Symptoms: Fever, chills, shortness of breath, cough that produces yellow-green phlegm and occasionally blood.Causes: A viral or bacterial infection, rarely yeast, fungal or protozoal organisms. Usually only occur in people who are suffering from other diseases and whose natural immunity have been impaired.Possible complications: Pleurisy, EmpyemaTreatment in the home: NoneWhen to consult a doctor: As soon as symptoms appearWhat the doctor may do: Examine you to confirm the diagnosis, arrange for X-rays, blood and sputum tests if pneumonia is suspected. Prescribe

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WHOOPING COUGHWhat is it?Whooping cough or pertussis is a highly infectious disease of the breathing passages. It is characterised by a severe cough which persists over several weeks. It mainly affects infants and young children. Symptoms: Whooping cough has an incubation period of seven to fourteen days before symptoms appear. The early symptoms mimic those of a cold-runny nose, dry cough, and slight fever. After a few days the symptoms worsen and the coughing becomes more severe. Coughing occurs in bouts up to a minute long. During the paroxysms of coughing air

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CUTS, GRAZERS AND BLISTERSWhat is it?Slight bleeding from minor cut or graze usually stops spontaneously within a few minutes as the blood cloths and does not require medical attention.Treatment in the home: Clean the dirty cuts. If left in the wound, dirt is likely to cause infection and scarring. Run water over the cut. Then clean the wound with hydrogen peroxide solution (20 volumes), available from your pharmacist. It is best applied undiluted, on a gauze swab directly on the wound. It will foam and create a burning sensation. This method

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HEADLICEWhat are they?Headlice are tiny grayish parasitic insects that live in the hair. They cling to the hair, close to the scalp and suck blood from the skin. Infestation by headlice occurs sporadically among young children. Symptoms: Persistent itching and scratching of the scalp, the eggs of the lice (nits) are visible as tiny white grains clinging to the hair. Scalp irritation, often concentrated behind the ears or the on the back of the neck, in severe cases the lymph glands in the neck mat swell.Transmission: Lice move directly from the head

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PSORIASISWhat is it?Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition characterized by an unsightly flaking of the skin.Symptoms: Red, raised patches which gradually enlarge and form silvery white scales. Occurs most frequently on the arms, legs, genitals, scalp and nails, The lesions may cause considerable discomfort, when the nails are affected they become thickened, pitted and separate from the nail bed, sometimes the skin eruption is accompanied by painful swollen joints.Causes: Psoriasis tends to run in families. An overproduction of skin cells causes a thickening of the skin and flaking. Trigger factors include

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CYSTITISWhat is it?Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder.Symptoms: A burning sensation as urine passed, frequent urge to urinate, passing of small amounts of urine. Cloudy, Blood stained and/or strong smelling urine. Fever, abdominal or pelvic pain may be present.Causes: Inflammation of the bladder.Treatment in the home: Drink plenty of fluids-4 to 5 litres very 24hours. Mild pain killers such as aspirin and paracetamol may ease discomfort. Empty the bladder completely each time when passing urine. Empty the bladder after intercourse. After the bowel action, wipe the anus from front to back. Do

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HEARTBURNWhat is it?Heartburn refers to a burning sensation beneath the breastboneSymptoms: A burning sensation beneath the breastbone. Sometimes pain in the upper abdomen. Sometimes an acid taste in the mouth. Sometimes pain when swallowing.Causes: Overindulgence in food and drinks, eating too quickly, Eating very rich, fatty or spicy foods, Pregnancy, Stress, Overweight, Other diseases for example hiatus hernia, gallstones, peptic ulcer.Treatment in the home: Take an antacid or a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda dissolved in water, don’t eat foods that bring on symptoms. Avoid coffee, rich, spicy and fatty foods. Limit

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