HAEMORRHOIDSWhat is it?Haemorrhoids or piles are inflamed varicose veins in or around the anus.Symptoms: Rectal itching and pain, Rectal bleeding, Painful blue-purple lumps inside or outside the anus, Uncomfortable, painful bowel movements, Prolapsed haemarrhoids (those which protrude outside the anus) often produce mucus discharge and itching.Causes: Constipation. PregnancyTreatment in the home: Follow a high-fibre diet, Drink plenty of fluid, Exercise regularly, use haemorrhoidal creams or suppositories to reduce swelling and pain. If an attack is particularly severe, stay in bed and take painkillers in recommended doses. An ice pack can provide

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HEADACHEWhat is it?Headache includes pain on one or both sides of the head or forehead.Symptoms: May vary from a dull ache to a sharp stabbing pain. Usually left in the forehead, back of the head and/or neck. Sometimes the pain seems to encircle the head like a tight band.Causes: Fatigue, Irregular meals, Emotional stress, Noisy or stuffy work environment, Cold or flue, Hangover, Sinusitis, head injury. Treatment in the home: Take a mild painkiller such as aspirin or paracetamol in the recommended doses. Avoid or come to terms with stresses that

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HEADLICEWhat are they?Headlice are tiny grayish parasitic insects that live in the hair. They cling to the hair, close to the scalp and suck blood from the skin. Infestation by headlice occurs sporadically among young children. Symptoms: Persistent itching and scratching of the scalp, the eggs of the lice (nits) are visible as tiny white grains clinging to the hair. Scalp irritation, often concentrated behind the ears or the on the back of the neck, in severe cases the lymph glands in the neck mat swell.Transmission: Lice move directly from the head

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HEARTBURNWhat is it?Heartburn refers to a burning sensation beneath the breastboneSymptoms: A burning sensation beneath the breastbone. Sometimes pain in the upper abdomen. Sometimes an acid taste in the mouth. Sometimes pain when swallowing.Causes: Overindulgence in food and drinks, eating too quickly, Eating very rich, fatty or spicy foods, Pregnancy, Stress, Overweight, Other diseases for example hiatus hernia, gallstones, peptic ulcer.Treatment in the home: Take an antacid or a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda dissolved in water, don’t eat foods that bring on symptoms. Avoid coffee, rich, spicy and fatty foods. Limit

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