Symptoms: Itchy, the skin becomes damp, flaking and peeling, in server cases the nail may also become infected and thicken with a discoloured appearance. Causes: Fungal infection  Treatment in the home: Apply an over the counter antifungal cream or powder to the affected area, wash feet regularly and dry well When to consult a doctor: If the condition continues What the doctor may do: Prescribe a more effective antifungal bream or tablets

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ANXIETY What is it? A feeling of tension and edginess, an overwhelming attack of panic. Symptoms: Tiredness, Nervousness, irritability, nausea, vomiting, frequent passing of urine and diarrhea, dizziness, trembling, shaking, inability to concentrate, insomnia Causes: Stress is the most common cause, new and unfamiliar situations and experiences Treatment in the home: Attempt to identify the cause, discuss the problem and try to resolve it, regular exercise, learn to relax and breathe Possible complications: If left untreated, depression or a stress related disorder may develop When to consult a doctor: If it becomes

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ANAEMIA What is it? A condition where the blood is deficient either in quantity or quality, caused by a lack of red blood cells or haemoglobin.  Symptoms: Fatigue/ loss of energy, Breathlessness on exertion, palpitations Causes: Blood loss after an injury, heavy menstruation, blood donations, Folic or Vitamin B12 deficiency  Treatment in the home: None Possible complications: Weakens the body’s resistance to illness. When to consult a doctor: If the symptoms continue What the doctor may do: Take a blood sample, define the type of Anaemia, prescribe medication and treat the cause.

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ACNE What is it? A term used to describe skin pimples, usually on the face, back, chest, it often occurs in adolescence.  Symptoms: Whiteheads, Blackheads, Inflamed red spots, Cysts Causes: It is mostly triggered by hormonal changes and is most common in adolescence with oily skin  Treatment in the home: Wash the affected area two to three times a day with soap and warm water, then rinse with cold water, pat it dry, never wipe. You can Acne soaps and antiseptic face wash, don’t use anything with an oil base. Don’t squeeze spots, this

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