SCARLET FEVERWhat is it?Scarlet fever is a highly contagious infection, in which streptococcus bacteria enter the body via tonsils. It is a serious disease with possible serious complications.Symptoms: The initial symptoms mimic those of tonsillitis-sore throat, headache and fever. A bright red, itchy rash that feels like sand paper, the rash starts on the face, leaving a clear area around the mouth. It gradually spreads to the rest of the body. The tongue takes on a bright red strawberry-like appearance. After a week the rash fades and both the skin and

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SHINGLESWhat is it?Shingles is a viral infection of the nerves that supply certain areas of the skin. Usually affects people over 50 years of age.Symptoms: Usually affects area of skin supplied by the affected nerve on one side of the body or face. Severe burning pain in the affected area often precedes the rash. After about one to four days a painful, itchy rash of small crusting blisters appears. Over the next few days the blisters dry out, scab over and drop off. There may be small scars which fade away over

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SINUSITISWhat is it?Sinusitis is an inflammation of the membrane lining of the sinuses i.e. the air-filled cavities in the bones surrounding the nose and eyes.Symptoms: Nasal discharge and congestion, Headache over one or both eyes if the frontal sinuses are affected, pain in one or both cheeks if the sinuses in the cheek bones are affected. Pain is worse when leaning forward.Causes: Bacterial, viral or rarely fungal infection, Often follows a cold, Allergic rhinitis, dental infection and exposure to temperature extremes.Possible complications: Pain, nasal blockage, secondary respiratory tract infections, rarely meningitis

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STYEWhat is it? A stye is a boil-like infection at the base of an eyelash.Symptoms: A red painful swelling on the edge of the eyelid. Later a white head of pus forms. Bursts within a few days and relieves pain.Causes: Bacterial infection in the hair follicle of an eyelash.Possible complications: eye infectionTreatment in the home: To relieve pain and to bring the stye to a head, apply hot compresses every three to four hours. Wrap clean cotton wool around the bowl of a wooden spoon. Dip it in hot water and

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SUNBURNWhat is it?Sunburn is an inflammation of the skin that is caused by over-exposure to long and short rays of the sun.Symptoms: Mild sunburn produces red skin. This is the effect of the infrared rays of the skin. It causes little discomfort and lasts for two to three days. If more severe sunburn the affected area becomes red, hot and tender. Blisters may follow which subsequently burst and weep. Peeling follows as the damaged skin is shed.Causes: Over-exposure to the rays of the sun. People who have fair skins are much more likely

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