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So you have done that pregnancy test and it shows the two lines your mind is rushing faster than you can think. Take a deep breath and relax.
We have articles from falling pregnant covering all your concerns like can you afford this, getting financial advice is always a good idea. Pregnant2day covers the first trimester, the second trimester, and the third trimester with an abundance of information about vitamins like Folic Acid and what it does to help you and your baby. What problems occur in pregnancy, some woman get morning sickness, some woman suffers from being tired.
There are so many choices for a woman now, some women want a home birth with natural pain relief remedies. The most important thing you can do now is research, speak to other mothers, when you have all the information you can start making those important decisions. And if something changes while you are pregnant, the good news is there is so much information at your fingertips.
We are going to start our week by week pregnancy newsletters soon, this will cover information about you, your baby and what to expect. We are also very excited that we can offer a 4D scan in the comfort of your own home; you can see facial features, the length of your baby and all measurements.
While you are reading all this information, Pregnant2day has a great directory of Doulas, Midwives, and Gynaecologists.
If you find out the sex of your baby Pregnant2day has the most comprehensive list of Baby names, girls names, and boys names, we have traditional names, religious names, etc.